What's Power In Word(PIW)?

Hello! We are Carmen and Misael, the founders of Power In Word! We believe that the extent of the bible is more than simple words, but contains a power unlike any other. We aim to express this power and glorify God by creating apparel for a world that is in need. For every little thing that speaks God's word, there is potential for break through in someone's life! Winning the world for God is the priority now and forever!

Every Second Counts

God has command us Christians to go out and make disciples of all nations! We've wanted to constantly pursue this mission for a while and finally found a way to speak to a people about what God teaches. The gifts that God has bestowed upon us are to be used for His Kingdom!

We want to glorify God with the gifts so that others may know him and continue the mission. We cannot delay in going out because there are so many out there that have yet to know God!

Taking it Beyond

We hope for Power in Word to become more than it is; that it can be for everyone to exalt God. In wearing the shirts do we carry the messages God has given unto us. It's been seen time and time again that there is a power God possesses to bring a people together to represent the kingdom. 
We hope you in one way or another are telling the world of God's Word!